
Testing of feed, food and ingredients, field trials and analysis, software development and test and validation of machinery and technologies. These are examples of services carried out at AgroTech.

Cropfield and two tractors seen from above. Photo.AgroTech is part of the Danish Technological Institute, which is a leading research and technology company. By uniting research and business, it aims to create a basis for development and to strengthen innovation and competitiveness in the agro and food industry. AgroTech cooperates with universities in order to secure its customers easy access to new knowledge. Customers in the area of agro technology include technology companies, nurseries, food companies, food services, plant breeding companies and public customers.

Units under the AgroTech division include:

  • Food technology
  • Bioresources and biorefinery
  • Plant technology
  • Field trials, technology and analysis

To exemplify, field trials, technology and analysis involve independent documented trials of new crops, growth experiments and logarithm trials. Moreover, product tests of additives, liquid fertiliser and biostimulates can be conducted in the fields, as well as machine performance tests and tests of autonomous agricultural robots. In the area of food technology, AgroTech conducts pilot production of food, feed and biomass. Its 1300 square metre facility provides a base for tests of new formulas, ingredients and additives for food, as well as animal and fish feed.


Nicolai Fog Hansen
+45 72 20 15 33

Danish Technological Institute – website